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首をかしげて 指からするり 落ちてく愛をみたの  

拾い集めて 積み上げたなら お月さまに届くの…?  

I tilted my head and saw love slip through my fingers,

If I piled all the pieces together, would they be able to reach the moon?


DNAを教育してく エラー混じりのリアリズム  

人形のようにお辞儀するだけ モノクロの牢獄  

An ideal of reality mixed with errors, raising my DNA,

A monochrome prison where I just bow my head obediently, like a doll.




So, that kind of world,

I'll slice it to bits for you!


誰かを守る為にも 真の強さを  

「勇気」と信じてく そう夢紡ぐTales  

Believing that the strength to protect someone is also "courage,"

Those are the tales I use to create my dreams.


忘れかけた笑顔だけど 大丈夫、まだ飛べるよ  

輝く絆抱きしめ 調べ歌おう  

I'd almost forgotten how to smile, but it's okay, I can still fly.

Holding our shining bonds tight, I sing out this melody!


わからず屋には いいおクスリを 処方してオペしましょう  

ターゲットには 容赦はしない 感情をアンインストール  

For stubborn blockheads, I've got some good medicine and an operation in store for you.

I'll show no mercy to my targets, I'll uninstall my emotions.


思考回路に リンクしていく 0, 1,じゃ表せない  

上昇エナジー ゲージを超えて 溢れ出す何かが  

I draw links between my thoughts; they can't be expressed in mere binary.

Something's burst through the limit of my energy gauge and started to overflow.




I'll quickly take these tears,

And slice them to bits for you!


臨界を超えた思い いまぶつけよう  

「遠慮」なんていらない さあいま試すMy all  

My feelings have gone critical, and I'll hit you with them now!

There's no need for restraint, so I'll test out my all!


募りきって止まらない 「大好き」伝えたいよ  

煌く運命(さだめ)二人は 月と太陽  

I want to tell you about my love for you, it's swelling up and can't be stopped.

The two of us are shining, destined to be the sun and the moon!




My hand is intertwined with yours,

And I'll never let go.



So, that kind of world,

I'll slice it to bits for you!


誰かを守る為にも 真の強さを  

「勇気」と信じてく そう夢紡ぐTales  

Believing that true strength is the courage to protect someone,

Those are the tales I use to create my dreams.


忘れかけた笑顔だけど 大丈夫、まだ飛べるよ  

輝く絆抱きしめ 調べ歌おう

I'd almost forgotten how to smile, but it's okay, I can still fly.

Holding our shining bonds tight, I sing out this melody!
